An Online Study Based on Self-Perception of Electronic Devices and Media Platform Addiction


Satyabrat Banerjee
Neena Gupta



Studies have shown strong association between electronic gadget users and their addiction, especially among mobile users with digital dependencies. The present study extended the research by exploring the contrivances underlying these associations.

Purpose: This study examines digital technology and human behaviour and its linkage with mobile and computer usage. Next, it closely examines its relationship to social media platforms. Finally, it focuses on how this affects mobile and media addiction or dependency towards its user.

Methods of Research: The questions were selected based on self-perception dependency scale and mobile addiction scale. Online Google form was used as a platform to prepare survey questionnaire. Students and teachers from Allahabad and Delhi-NCR region were selected for the pilot study. Ages ranged between 15 to 75 years. A total of 120 respondents were requested for participation of whom, 118 (98%) returned the filled questionnaire. The internal consistency as assessed by Cronbach’s alpha was 0.837 in this study using SPSS software.

Result: The use of electronic devices are becoming an eminent part of our lives, due to ever changing technology towards – touch screen, high definition resolution, faster processor ,increased memory and many more features; it makes the electronic devices convenient to perform day to day tasks at greater ease and speed. 56.8% respondents stated that they are dependent on electronic devices, since there are many forms of electronic devices present with an individual. One electronic device can be substituted for another for which reason there is dependency on electronic devices at any given point of time. The use of mobile is exponentially increasing in relation to other electronic gadgets. There is a higher frequency for checking mobile during incoming notification (34.7%); Checking mobile every 5- 15 minutes is mainly due to the ease of using mobile phone in our daily lives. Compared with laptop or desktop computer users; mobile phone users are more dependent and possessive towards their mobile as compared to other electronic devices.


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