Systematic Literature Review on Organic Farming for Sustainable Agricultural Production Review article






Food security is a major concern in developing countries. Growing population, human consumption and the reduction of available land and other productive units are putting pressure on current agriculture and natural resources to meet the growing demand for food. Therefore, in order to meet the food requirements of the growing population, high yielding varieties are cultivated which require high units of fertilizers and pesticides to meet the potential yield. Scientists, organizations and policy makers emphasize high yields and high quality agricultural products on a sustainable basis, and high quality food could be produced through organic farming without affecting the environment; however, due to lack of data, no definite conclusions can be reached in many parts of the world. The aim of this review is to bridge this gap by presenting a systematic review of organic farming literature for sustainable agriculture. The authors used the systematic literature review to collect publications on organic farming from 2007 to 2020..The review provides insight into the essential dimensions of organic farming, the impact of organic farming on soil quality and crop yield


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