Influence of Motivation on Teachers And Commitment to Work in Public Secondary School in Abakaliki Education Zone, Ebonyi State.


Uwaoma Akwu Ude
Sunny Uma Okechukwu
Otusinkama Lawrence



This work investigated the influence motivation on teachers and commitment to duty with focus on Abakaliki Education Zone. It was a descriptive survey designed to examine the extent of the effect of motivation and commitment to work by teachers in Abakaliki Education Zone. The sample for the study consisted of 420 teachers and Principals drawn in Abakaliki Education Zone. A 20-item, 4-point scale instrument known as Teachers’ Motivation and Commitment to Work Questionnaire (TMACTWO) was used to generate data for answering 2 research questions and 2 hypotheses posed to generate the scale of 0.73 established. The instrument was administered through the help of all the principals who were adequately briefed on the rudiments of the study. Mean and t-test statistics were used to answer the research questions and test the hypotheses at 0.05 significance respectively. Findings among others revealed that apart from pro-rata payment and principals' under strict administrative style of leadership, every other variable was discovered to be a motivational variable and that paying teachers according to time they put into service will never spur teachers to be more committed to duties. It was recommended that Government should do everything possible to see that students do well in the external examinations and that principals of schools should establish good relationship with their teachers as strict leadership style does not help.


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