A Study to Assess The Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Common Behavioral Disorders among Mother of 1-12 Children in Selected Area of Anand District


Mr Avirat Chavda , Miss Krupa Patel, Miss Niyati Patel,Miss Saraswati Rathva, Miss Vidhi Patel, Miss Shilpa Pandya, Miss Vinisha Patel, Mr.Daxesh K Patel



Background: The term “behavior†refers to the way a person response to a certain situation or experience. Behavior is affected by temperament, which is made up of an individual’s innate and unique expectation, emotion and beliefs.

Aims & Objective: 1] To assess the pre-existing knowledge of mothers of 1-12 years children regarding common behavioral disorders. 2] To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program regarding common behavioral disorders among mothers of 1-12 years children. 3]To find out association between knowledge scores of mothers of 1-12 years’ children with their selected demographic variables.

Material and Method: Pre-experimental one group pre-test – post-test research design, and non-probability random sampling technique was adopted to achieve the goal of the study. The tool consists of two parts. First part consist demographic data of the sample and second part consist of structured teaching program. The sample was 60 mothers residing in selected area of Anand District.

Results: The data was collected by using structured teaching program. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used for analysis. Result revealed that In the pre-test mean score and SD was 8.57 + 2.31 and post-test means score and SD was 19.31 + 4.83. While Paired mean difference score was 10.74. The post-test level of common behavioral disorders mean score is significantly higher than the pre-test level of common behavioral disorders. The ‘t’ calculated value 19.38 is more than tabulated value 3.4632 at P<  0.05 level of significance.

Conclusion: The‘t’ test was computed between pre-test and post-test score indicate that the mean post-test knowledge is significantly higher than the mean pre-test knowledge among mothers of 1-12 years children. Hence it is indicated that structured teaching program was effective. 


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