A Study of Smart ICT model of Hat Yai Smart City, Thailand


Wisarut Gunjarueg
Preecha Methavasaraphak
Chompu Nuangjamnong



This study intends to develop Hat Yai's Smart ICT model. IoT, Big Data, Cloud, etc. This study will help Hat Yai's governor create a Smart City and Smart ICT solution. It helps discover the Smart City component that will benefit residents most while maintaining faithfully to the city's original development goal. This research will also help create Smart ICT solutions for Smart City development. A Smart Society, Smart Environment, and Smart Economy fit Hat Yai City's development strategy. The project aims to find a relationship between IoT, Big Data, Cyber-Physical systems, and Cloud Computing. The researcher surveyed 565 respondents in Hat Yai, Thailand, both those whose world is important to Smart ICT or the Internet of Things, Big Data, Cyber-Physical systems, and Cloud Computing and those who are not, and evaluated the data using Pearson Correlation. Internet of Things (IoT) technology is linked to a Smart Society, Smart Environment, and Smart Economy. Big Data helps build a Smart Society. Cyber-Physical System result demonstrates a relationship between a Smart Society and Smart Environment, and Cloud Computing shows a relationship.


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