The Role of Organizational Commitment to Provide Leadership and Organizational Culture with Employee Performance on Mina Group


I Gusti Ngurah Mandala Jaya Utama
I Ketut Setia Sapta
Anik Yuesti



This study aims to improve and control the relationship between leadership, organizational culture, organizational commitment and employee performance. This research was conducted at Warung Mina Group with Warung Mina Group employee population, 81 respondents sampled by stratified random sampling method. All data generated from questionnaires are suitable for use, and then analyzed using the structural equation model called Partial Least Square (PLS).

The result of the research shows (1) positive leadership leadership and significant to organizational commitment, (2) organizational culture have positive and significant influence to organizational commitment, (3) positive leadership leadership and significant to employee performance, (4) organizational culture have positive and significant impact to employee performance and.

The implications of this research are that leadership can be maximized by motivational excellence, organizational culture can be improved by applying emphasis on the group (emphasis group), organizational commitment is maximized by increasing affective application and improved employee performance by maximizing the quantity of work.


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