Organic Farming System for Producing Healthy Rice


Dr. Ir. Ni.Gst.Ag.Gde Eka Martiningsih
Dr.Ir. I Putu Sujana, MS



Introduction of organic rice-based rice cultivation technology package through demplot is done in Subak Sungi 1 using ciherang variety. The number of farmers participating in demonstration plots in organic cultivation of paddy-based rice cultivation were 5 people, with age of farmers aged greater than 55 years occupying the highest percentage (45.45%), with elementary education level (72.75%), followed by high school education (18.25%), and junior high (9%). The average farmland area is 34.63 acres, with self-owned status (55,94%), status as penyakap 41,18% and rent status 2,88%. The farmers' response to the organic rice-based rice planting assessment is quite high, as evidenced by the evaluation that 100% of farmers participating in demonstration plots know and understand about organic rice system cultivation, and they agree to develop this cultivation system in the future. Demplot research results can increase the yield components and weight of dry grain harvest per hectare. Organic rice-based rice cultivation technology EVAGRO able to increase production of dry grain harvest significantly with a value of 6.8 tons / ha. There is a tendency of dry weight value of ciherang varieties of 6.8 tons / ha giving highest but not significantly different with PGPR organic based technology.


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