Business Development Independent Populist Economic Owned Enterprises as a Village


I Ketut Sunada
I Ketut Sandi



Bumdes is a village business unit whose capital comes from village-owned funds . The goal is to float the village potential into an independent village. Thus it takes effort and strategic and appropriate tips to achieve that goal. The first tip is to establish a forum for the development of economic networks in this case is the establishment of BUMDES. Some of the things that can be done are: (i) development of human resources capability so as to provide added value in the management of village economic assets, (ii) integrating rural economic products so as to have good bargaining position in market network, (iii) (iv) strengthening village economic institutions, (v) developing supporting elements such as micro-credit, market information, technological and management support, economic infrastructure and communication networks as well as support for guidance and regulation.


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