Corporate Planning and Its Effects on Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of MTN Telecommunication Company in North Central Part of Nigeria


Aguoru, C.N.
Umogbai, M.E.
Ozowa, V.



The overall impact of corporate planning on customer satisfaction was investigated in MTN as a model of the Nigerian Telecommunication company.  The multistage sampling technique was used to select 133 experienced staffs of the organisation who were interviewed across three North Central states.  Data was analysed using the multivariate statistical approaches on the SPSS software (20.0 version). As a result, the workforce was dominated by employees between 30-39 years of age (56.2%) and first degree holders (60%). Only 6.2% had postgraduate level of education. Good corporate planning is a major component of the company as all indicators are greater than the 3.5 benchmark on the 5 point Lickert scale used. The organisation allocates adequate resources for strategic plans (4.12) and there is effective corporate communication within the firm which improves its performance (4.13). Also, the company establishes strategy supportive policies and operational procedures that lead to customer satisfaction (4.31). Programs for continuous improvement are in place (4.35). Customers purchase airtime frequently, an indicator of customer satisfaction with the highest mean (2.88) which is above the cut-off point of 2.00 on the 4 point Lickert scale.  Other indicators with positive records are reported. However, purchase of data bundle by customers failed to meet the minimum benchmark (1.59). Regression analysis showed that both strategic analysis and strategy implementation of the company positively affect its customer satisfaction. Each independent variable had p-values below 0.05 level of significance from all inferential statistical methods applied.  The coefficient of determination of the model was .519. The result implied that 51.9 % of the variation in customer satisfaction was explained by the influence of strategic analysis and strategy implementation. Areas that need urgent attention of the stakeholders are highlighted in the report.


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