The Challenge of Traditional Market Traders in Denpasar City with the Problem of Business Management and Sales Strategy


Luh Kadek Budi Martini
Putu Sri Astuti
Luh Komang Candra Dewi



Challenges by traditional fruit market traders in Denpasar are weaknes in business management, bookkeeping administration sales strategy, buyers service, communication techniques, and rotten fruits that do not sell yet untapped. The purposes of this empowerment are to (1 ) improvement of business management, (2) increased of knowledge for traders: bookkeeping administration is the procedure of recording financial transactions and can easily perform financial analysis, sales strategy, especially arrangement of merchandise (display), service to buyers, communication techniques and transactions honest but still profitable, (3) utilization of rotten fruit that is not sold to be processed into MOL (local microorganisms) for the manufacture of organic fertilizers in the household scale. The method used is counseling and training. The results of the activities are as follows: 1) fruit trader group can already well manage its trading business.2) fruit trader group can make good administration and business bookkeeping 3) fruit trader group can make marketing strategy by arranging (display) with well, and already use Show Case for display merchandise, customer visits increased 25%. 4) Fruit merchant group can already utilize rotten fruit as MOL for liquid crop fertilizer


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