Dairy Farmers Empowerment in Subak Anggabaya Penatih Timur Denpasar Bali Indonesia


I Ketut Arnawa
I Wayan Runa
I Made Sukerta
Putu Sri Astuti
Dan Luh Kadek Budi Martini



The main purpose for the application of science and technology for livestock group of cow, is to form a group of skilled and professional livestock, as vaccinators, can take advantage of Azadirachta indica leaves a plant insecticide, apply a good cage sanitation, can produce organic fertilizer from feces of cow, can treat hay as feed to good nutritional value. The method used is education and training. Activity results obtained, that 10 percent of members of the group have managed to become vaccinators cadres, able to implement good sanitation stables, feces of cow (Stomoxys calsitrans) can process technology with EM4 into organic fertilizer and can process the rice straw with urea spraying method, to produce feed hay to the value of good nutrition for growing cattle.


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