
Ludmila N. Shapa, Marina V. Tsinovaya, Ludmila E. Tsapenko



The article defines official business style as one which has the greatest importance in society and reflects in its genres almost all relationship between state and citizens. We consider four genres – legal documents, official correspondence, car manuals, patents – which, according to the authors, are the most popular in everyday and business life, and therefore need a thorough study.  The authentic texts of the following documents were chosen for the description: British Council Correspondence (Incorporated by Royal Charter Patron:: Her Majesty the Queen), Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labor Organization (Judgments 481-494); car manuals of Toyota company in English; inventions in the CIS countries and abroad, vol. 121 №1, vol. 122, №4, vol. 119, №9, vol. 125, №21; texts of the US patents United States Patent and Trademark Office (An Agency of the Department of Commerce). In the process of analysis the authors used statistical methods of forming text corpora; comparative descriptive methods; quantitative calculation methods. The research covers a variety of characteristics of texts of the named genres that directly interact with communication parameters, which, in its turn, affects the structure of the text of a document. Calculation methods allow us to determine the most frequently used linguistic units in different types of text documents, with the help of which they (documents) achieve their communicative goals. It is noted that there is a direct correlation between linguistic units – elements of syntactic and lexical levels, grammatical categories of retrospection, prospection, imperative – and their (documents) content in the documents of official business style.


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