The Role of Simplified Scoring Models in Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeIn Berlin Definition Era


Zulkifli Amin, Hasna Afifah



Many studies have developed scoring models in critically ill patients. Despite there were scoring models investigated in ARDS subpopulation, the potency of application in ARDS remains questionable. Therefore, there is an urgent need of investigation among those score to summarize the potencial ones for further researches.We conducted a systematic search strategy to identify all relevant studies comparingscoring system in ARDS. Two independent reviewer carried out a literature search. We searched from MEDLINE, Cochrane Library and Gray literature targeted English studies. All relevant studies will be critically appraised.Overall studies exploring the role of scoring models in ARDS didn’t have large sample size and had not externally validated yet. The studies that assess the scoring systems for ARDS patients are still limited. Despite there were some of simple scoring systems that had perfomed in ARDS studies, those scores had not been validated in larger studies. The future scoring system should be attributed to the Berlin definition and important factors in order to get better mortality prediction which can be accurately and stratifiedly applied in ARDS population and its subgroups. Based on current findings, we should try to investigate the simple scoring system that easier to be used in pragmatic setting such SESARDS, GOCA, or MODS in predicting mortality and EDLIPSand SLIP-2 in predicting ARDS compared to updated version of APACHE scoring system or a combination of all ICU scoring systems.


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