The Ultimate Solution Of any JOINT -PAIN(Coservative) JOINT-CURE Harbal for Osteoarthitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Backache due to Facet Arthritis, Spondilytis And Other Joint Pain


Shahil Patel



Aim:Why we get 'PAIN'???
Do we exercise every day?
Do we have proper diet, water, air?
How many of us are using PAIN KILLER MEDICINE daily?
Without knowing the fact of PAIN Killer safety.....
To find the effectiveness ,Randomise Clinical trials with the Use of the JOINT -CURE herble
"Churna" as an alternative treatment to any invasion in joints for the Pain relief of
Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis ,Facet Arthritis and / or any kind of Joint Pain
Methodology :
A Randomise study was carried out where 156 patients of Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid
Arthritis,Backache due to Facet Arthritis, Spodylosis, Chronic Spodylitis & Frozen Shoulder
,cancer Pain of age group between 29 to 94 yrs Those who took many PAIN
killer(allopathy)were given 10gms of sachets of the JOINT -CURE Herble "Churna" Once a
day for 12-15 month period.Subsiquintly more than 2000 patients took this Herble till date
Mechanism of Action:
This JOINT-CURE herble containing 9 natural phytonutrients exerting synergistic activities on
body, reducing inflammation and pain by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis, suppressing
cyclooxygenase-1, cyclooxygenase 2, 5-lipoxygenase and cytokines and neutralizing leukocyte
elastase and free radicals by inhibiting lipid peroxidation and raising levels of Vitamin C. This
"Chuma" promotes healing of joints by stimulating peripheral and collateral circulation,
inhibiting platelets aggregation, reducing synovial fluid leucocyte count and lowering elevated
serum transarninase levels and erythrocyte sedimentation rates, and supplying lysine to help
maintain nitrogen balance in body.


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