Effectiveness of Construchivist Pedagogy on Students’ Achievement in Accountancy


B.Amali prabha Dr.K.Krishna Moorthy



This paper is outlines of an experimental study on students learning in constructivist pedagogy and its effect on achievement in Accountancy at higher secondary level. Teaching was once defined as processes in which a teacher transfers his knowledge, skills and values to the students. To help our students achieve this goal, we need to identify the most essential competencies, attitudes, and values, rather than simply learning facts and information. Constructivism is an emerging pedagogy among the teaching community across the world. This study was pre-test and post-test design. The sample consists of 20 boys and 30 girls were selected from three Higher Secondary Schools in Madurai city. The hypotheses were tested using Mean and t- tests based on their significant level. Findings of this study proved that constructivist approach is an effective strategy to learn


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 Bitter,Joseph, ( 2000) reported that Business educators should integrate real-world situations into classroom activities so students can better realize how accounting procedures are used and their importance.
 McCleary,Bill ( 1977) changes in Accounting Education Include Increased Use of Writing Tasks