Wound Healing Activity of Hemigraphis Colorata


Saravanan J1 Joshi NH2, Joshi VG 3*, Sutar PS3, Karigar AA3



Preliminary phytochemical studies of Methanolic extract of Hemigraphis colorata have shown the presence of alkaloids, tannins, proteins and steroids. The objective of the study was to evaluate wound healing activity of the methanolic extract ointment of dried leaves of Hemigraphis colorata in albino rats. Wound healing activity was determined in rats, after topical application of 5%w/w methanolic extract ointment of dried leaves of Hemigraphis colorata, using excision and incision models. The animals were divided into three groups of 6 each in all the models. In the excision model, group I animals were treated topically with simple ointment IP as placebo control, group II were treated topically with Wokadine ointment (5% w/w Povidone iodide) as reference standard, and group III were treated with 5%w/w of methanolic extract ointment of dried leaves of Hemigraphis colorata/day. In incision model, group I animals were treated topically with simple ointment IP as placebo control, group II were treated topically with Wokadine ointment (5%w/w Povidone iodide) as reference standard, and group III were treated with 5%w/w of methanolic extract ointment of dried leaves of Hemigraphis colorata/day. In excision wound model the wound closure was significantly higher when compared to control group (P<0.001) and it was comparable to that of standard Wokadine ointment (5% w/w Povidone iodide). In incision wound model healing was assessed by the tensile strength (skin breaking strength). The tensile strength in extract treated animals were significantly more when compared to simple ointment IP as placebo control (P<0.001) and it was comparable to that of standard ointment. The increase in tensile strength of treated wounds may be due to the increase in collagen concentration per unit area and stabilisation of fibers. The results encouraged the use of Hemigraphis colorata for the topical management of wound and in depth study about the active constituents is necessary.



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