An Investigation on the Nutritional Composition of Pleurotus Platypus and Pleurotus Eous Cultivated on Different Agricultural Substrates.


Sathyaprabha G, Panneerselvam A



Edible mushrooms have been a food supplement in various countries and they are cultivated and eaten for their edibility and delicacy. Mushroom had fall between the best vegetables and animal protein source. Because of rich source of protein content it overcomes the malnutrition. Mushrooms are considered as a distinctive food since the beginning of human evolution. As a fruit body of an edible white rot fungus, oyster mushroom belongs to Pleurotus, Pleurotaceae, Agaricales and Basidiomycota. Two species (Pleurotus platypus and Pleurotus eous) of oyster mushroom were grown on different substrates like Paddy straw, Black gram waste, Teak leaves, Banana leaves and Sugarcane trash. The biochemical analysis confirms that the protein, carbohydrates, fiber, fat, moisture, energy, Vitamin – C, in fresh Pleurotus eous and Pleurotus platypus were found to be altered by the substrates. In the present investigation, the nutrient contents were maximum in Pleurotus eous and Pleurotus platypus when the paddy straw was used as a substrate.


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