Impact of Female Literacy on Sex Ratio: A Case Study of Haryana


Dr. Suman, Ms Seema



Education is milestone for women. The growth of women's education in Haryana is slow. Education also brings a reduction in inequalities and improves the quality of life. Literacy is a part of education. Here the focus is on literacy rate and its impact on the sex ratio in Haryana. Sex composition of a population refers to the balance between male and female in any population. It can be expressed either in the form of proportion of a particular sex in the population or as a ratio between the population of two sexes. As is obvious, the first one gives the number of males per hundred females or number of males per thousand females in the population and is the most widely used measure of sex ratio the world over. On the country the second provides the number of females per hundred males or number of females per thousand males in the population. According to census 2011 literacy rate is 76.6 per cent, maximum literacy rate in Gurgaon district i.e. 84.4per cent however, sex ratio is minimum i.e. 853 females per thousand males and lowest literacy is in Mewat i.e. 56.1per cent but sex ratio is maximum i.e. 906 females per thousand males. Its shows inverse correlation between sex ration and literacy in Haryana.


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