Analyzing the Concepts and Techniques of Educational Data Mining for the Enhancement of Education System


Surjeet Kumar



Advanced research concepts of tools and techniques of data mining can be adopted by many recent industries to generate the intelligence for making their process of decision making more efficient. Like as in the education system to make efficient decision making for educational institutes, students performance and student employability. These are at the main focus of any education system. So the core target should be the efficient analytics of the educational data. So now higher education institutions are making the use of these techniques for improving the system with respect to increasing student performance and student retention. Educational data mining is helpful for teachers and management of the institutes to enhance their way of taking classes and making their schedule to improve student’s overall performance and these techniques are also helpful for the students while taking the right decision for their bright academic career. The main aim of this paper is to analyze on how the education quality can be improved with the help of educational data mining concepts and techniques.


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