New Relations Using Modified Bessel Functions with Application to pn Junction Circuits


J. Ladvánszky



A method for generating relations between modified Bessel functions has been revealed [2]. These identities are generated on a solid physical basis. Circuits comprising pn junctions exhibit intermodulation products in the form of modified Bessel functions. A spectrum line can be described as a base harmonic or as it is generated from other spectrum lines as a consequence of nonlinear and/or time variant components in the circuit. We neglect the higher order products and keep only that of the lowest possible order and make it equal to the mentioned base harmonic. For that reason, our equations are of approximate nature, but they are quite useful in the analysis of pn junction circuits as our examples show it.

We obtain relations for frequency doubling, tripling and third order intermodulation and verify them using the harmonic balance analysis of a one diode circuit.


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