Economic Study of the Creative Idea of Kolintang Music in state Polytechnic of Sriwijaya Palembang


Pridson Mandiangan,Evada Dewata, Markoni, Ridwan Effendy, Abd. Hamid



Piles of scrap wood tables and chairs are created into a work of art, empowered to stimulate the creativity of the arts, culture, education and entrepreneurship. Starting from the creation of a melody kolintang as the object of study to be a set of traditional musical kolintang instruments receive a positive response from Polytechnic of Sriwijaya Palembang, especially for students in enriching activities of extra curriculum and students activity units. Further, those are empowered through research activity and dedication to people by a group of lecturers who dedicate to people IbM in  2013 and competitive research grants in 2014 and several other scheme of research and dedication have paved road map activity until a few years later. If at beginning, creativity of kolintang music just become a research object or dedication to people and education, now a group of writers are interested to learn the reality and potential from economic value of creative idea of kolintang music in formulating the guestions of this working paper, that is: “How is the economic benefits of creative idea of kolintang music in Polytechnic of Sriwijaya� The study will be conducted from various aspects, but rather focus on the contribution of economic value of both to the institution and stakeholder.


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