Negative Impact of Hydroelectric Power Plants in Turkey and As an Alternative Wave Energy


Ä°smail Abdullah Vural, Zehra Arzu Becer



Inthisstudy; The negative effects of the dam lakes in ourcountry on the purpose and nature of the construction were researched. Such as in the place where it is built, turning in to a steady and deep lake with a constantly flowing and shallow watery briver is a negative effect on the aquatic ecosystem. The large surface area of the dam lake increases evaporation and can cause salinisation and salinization in agriculture all and. Wave energy systems, an alternative energy source, have been proposed as a solution to the adverse effects of dam lakes for ecology and fishery for hydro electric power plant. We have very efficient coasts for wave energy production in our country. If the se alternative energy sources are applied, it is considered that the adverse effects of hydroelectric power plants on ecology and fishery can be reduced to a minimum level.


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