Challenges and Trends in Business Ethics Education: Mindmapping University Curriculunm for the Promotion of Justice and Sustainability for the Whole Society


Alexander Seran
YB Suhartoko



The challenge of business ethics today is the problem of justice and sustainability. In the same time justice and sustainability have become the global trends in economic fora when people get together in academic seminars and other public discussions try to seek resolution about doing the right thing on the right place in the right time regarding economic crisis that we as society face in day to day experience. Increasing income inequality expands in size and scale that to some extent calls for the government intervention into markets on behalf of conditioning well-being of the whole society.  On the one hand, there are challenges brought in societies by business that orient to price equilibrium when markets operate in the absence of external coercions such as reallocations, tax, and market operations. In order to be considered efficient market, business in the marketplace set aside the economic policy that favors the government intervention. On the other hand, there are trends in responding to the self-interest market by arguing ethically on values and principles of justice and sustainability in which economic policy that favors the government intervention is considered necessary. The aim of this paper is to shed lights to business ethics education in the school of economics and business to encapsulate the theory of economic welfare in its curriculum management and types of teaching through which young people are well-prepared to have good reasons in decision-making processes in dealing business in the marketplace. The requirement of good reasons is reflected in decision-making both as integrity and social responsibility. Decision-making that reflects integrity and social responsibility characterize the quality of ethical conducts. Therefore, business ethics education requires a theory that grounds economic welfare on the insight that economy is for the greater good of all human beings. This theory of economic welfare needs a reconstructive method to uncover the insight of justice and sustainability.


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