Knowledge on Use and Effects of Drug and Substance Abuse among Youth Aged 13 To 24 Years in Raila Village, Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya





Drug and substance abuse is a global problem and is one of the major problems affecting the youth both in school and out of school as a result of drug and substance abuse. The purpose of the study was to determine the knowledge on use and effects of drugs and substance abuse among the youth aged 13-24 years in Raila village, Kibera slum, Nairobi.  The study hoped to provide additional information to the already existing records about drug and substance abuse which can be of much importance to future scholars and those interested in researching on the same issue and the relevant authorities like the Ministry of Health to find out the effective measures to put in place in order to solve this issue. The study used a descriptive cross-sectional study design, involving both quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample size used was 87 respondents. Random Sampling method was used to select the 87 subjects. Data was collected through interviewer administered questionnaires containing both open-ended and closed ended questions and data was analyzed through the statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 and Microsoft Excel was used for graphical presentation. The study established that majority of the youth (77) out of the 87 respondents aged 13 to 24 years had adequate knowledge on use and effects of drugs and substances abuse although despite the knowledge, some of them were abusing drugs and substances.  The study also found out that majority (50%) of the youth who were abusing drugs and substances were the ones who had completed secondary school education but had not gone to tertiary level and those who did not complete secondary school education. The study recommends continuous awareness programs, creation of opportunities and direct intervention measures in order to address the challenge of drugs and substances abuse.


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