Management Process In Teacher Education Science Curriculum Revision In Response To The New Basic Education Curriculum For K-12


Zhanina U. Custodio, Eisha Vienna M. Fernandez



This is a qualitative study employing interview questionnaire to identify the management process that the PNU Faculty of Science, Technology and Mathematics went through in the intent of aligning their science teacher education curriculum with the K-12 enhanced basic education curriculum.

Fifteen FSTEM faculty members were given the research instrument that ended through a Focus Group Discussion. The aforementioned data gathering procedure along with desk research, helped create a framework for the PNU Science Education Curriculum Revision. Findings reveal that there are four phases in the curriculum revision process namely: Situational Analysis, Planning, Revision and Management of Transition. This is a cycle where each phase falls into understanding the requirements and content of the enhanced basic education curriculum for K-12.

Given this result, it is necessary that curriculum revision be done to align to its standards set. This also necessitated the upgrade in facilities, human capital and other enabling mechanisms for its implementation. Finally, the management framework of PNU in revising its teacher education science program is similar to other existing frameworks in certain respect, but is novel in including more specific procedures and the EBEC in every process of their revision. 

Keywords: management process, curriculum revision


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