The Principles of the Prof Momtchil Dobrev’s “Financially banking resource-based technological mafia-driven materialism” – element of the Momtchil Dobrev’s “Theory and praxis of Mafiotismus”


Lord Prof. PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev



Lord prof PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev developed 2010 “Financially banking resource-based technological mafia-driven materialism” as a based principle materialismus since more than 17 century.08 “Theory of generating of crises “, 2010 “Theory and praxice of the Mafiotismus” and 2001 “Theory of the mafia”. Based on these two theories  this paper  explane   the establishment of the mafiotismus all over the world – principles, theory and praxis  in European Union , European Commission and  in the Republic Bulgaria


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