The Influence of Calendar Media on Changes in Healthy Behavior of Families in the Suburbs in Disposing Household Trash in the Astambul Martapura Health Center of Banjar Regency


Evi Risa Mariana
Zainab .
Syaifullah Kholik



Introduction: Waste is one of the many social problems faced by the community and a shared awareness and commitment is needed towards a change in attitudes, behaviors and ethics in environmental culture. To change behavior there needs to be stimulus in the form of health promotion. One print media that can be used for health promotion is calendar media. Knowledge and attitudes are a person's response to a stimulus that others (outside) cannot clearly observe (covert behavior). The expected behavior is the healthy behavior of families removing household waste.

Objective: This study aims to design calendar media and analyze changes in the healthy behavior of families removing household waste in the Astambul Health Center Banjar District Work Area.

Methods: This research method is quasi-experimental (quasi experimental) with a pre-test - post test control group design. The population in this study were all households in the work area of ??Astambul Public Health Center in Banjar Regency, the samples were purposive, ie households in 2 RTs located on the river bank, which were treated as treatment groups and control groups, were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test with a significance of ? 0,05.

Result: The results showed that the control group and treatment group did not provide results that were statistically significant, but the tendency for significant changes occurred in the treatment group. In the treatment group given calendar media, there is a change in family behavior in producing household waste which tends to be positive compared to the control group that is not given calendar media.

Conclusion: There is a tendency for behavior change to be positive in the treatment group.


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