The Effect of Organizational Compensation and Commitment to Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Cooperative and Small, Middle Enterprises Department of Bali Province


Ni Nyoman Suryani
I Gede Gama
Gde Bayu Surya Parwita



Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is a behavior which is the initiative of individuals, who are no relation to the formal reward system but was able to increase the effectiveness of the organization. This research was conducted at the Department of cooperatives and SMEs of the province of Bali using 89 employees as research respondents. The technique of determination of the sample used in this study is a research technique in the census. Data was collection by interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques used in this research is the analysis of multiple linear regression that is processed using SPSS software. Based on the results of research that the compensation effect positively and significantly to organizational citizenship behavior. These results have meaning if the compensation received by the employees is increasing then the organizational citizenship behavior will experience an increase. The commitment of the Organization in a positive and significant effect against the organizational citizenship behavior. These results have meaning if the commitment of the Organization owned by employees increased then the organizational citizenship behavior will experience an increase. Compensation and organizational commitment effect simultaneously against the organizational citizenship behavior. These results have meaning if the employee received compensation increases and employee-owned organization commitment was increasing then the organizational citizenship behavior owned employees will experience increased.  


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