Impact of the Development of Bio-Industrial Agricultural Models on Cattle Growth and Environmental on Dry Land in Tabanan Bali


Berlian Natalia
I Gst. Ngr Alit Wiswasta
MP, I Ketut Arnawa
I Putu Sujana



The main objectives of this study were (1) to analyze the impact of bioindustrial agriculture development on livestock growth on dry land in Tabanan Bali (2) analyze what factors influence livestock growth in the development of bioindustrial agriculture in Tabanan Bali dry land, (3) analyze the impact the development of bioindustry-based sustainable agriculture on the environment in this case the Carrying Capacity of cattle on dry land in Bali. The study was conducted in Antapan Village with a sample of 45 farmers, data collected by survey techniques using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression. The results of the study found that the impact of the development of bioindustrial farming models could increase cattle weight gain, namely fattening cattle by farmers only averaging 10.5 / kg / month, while cattle fattening on bioindustry farming models was flat average of 18.7 kg / month, the factors that influence the increase in cow weight growth in the bioindustry farming model in Antapan Village are, the amount and type of feed, as well as the amount of labor use, the development of bioindustry farming models have an impact on increasing cattle capacity amounting to 39,6429 head of cattle


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