Thinking in the Future of Plant Taxonomy


Wafaa Kamal Taia



This review is a trial to summarize the history of plant taxonomy to understand the situation of the taxonomical works and their progression. Taxonomy starts as an artificial classification and gradually with the increase of knowledge, civilization and facilities, plant taxonomy developed. Here, the most affected steps in the progression of plant taxonomy have been mentioned. Starting from the oldest period of using vegetative, floral and anatomical characters to the most recent works on palynology, chemotaxonomy and molecular biological data. Thinking of the modern plant taxonomy has been mentioned in response to the environmental changes and peoples thinking. Experimental biology and breeding experiments must be done to understand the way of speciation and to protect the wild species from extinction. Taxonomy must be cooperating with ecology for better understanding of the changing in the taxonomic characters and to precise identifications. Taxonomists have to survey the vegetation and try to find ways to protect the plants. We have to understand the relationships between the taxa in the populations. We have to modulate our thinking according to the new situation. Meanwhile the environmental conditions and their effect on plant characters must be kept in mind, as new species may arise and other extinct


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