Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS) Profile in the Tissues of Mangrove Crab (Sesarma Alberti) in Idema Creek Basin, Bayelsa State Nigeria


Benson , T.A
Hart, A.I
Daniel, U.I



The study of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS) Profile in the tissues of Mangrove crab (Sesarma alberti) of Idema Creek Basin was investigated from April, 2017 to March, 2018. PAHS concentration were measured by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC/FID) in the above named Macrofauna. The ?PAHs concentrations recorded in S. alberti ranged from 0.019313/.?g/g d. wt in station (2) for the month of Novembery, 2017 to 0.134318 ?g/g d. wt for April, 2017 in station (1).Acenaphthylene recorded the lowest mean value of 0.00033± 0.00 ?g/g d. wtwhile Naphthalene recorded the highest mean  value of 0.02663±0.01?g/g .d.wti.The result from PAHs analysis showed some level of bioaccumulation of 15 PAHs from below detection to appreciable limits in the tissues of the  S. alberti. Seven low molecular weight PAHs and eight high molecular weight PAHs were identified in the tissues of the mangrove crab, indicating pyrogenic and petrogenic origin or source as a result of activities of crude oil bunkering and local refining in the study area. Fifteen of the identified PAHS are among the 16 listed PAHs by USEPA as priority pollutants in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and seven of those PAHs may cause cancer in humans. Although the PAHs level analysed in the   macrofauna in Idema Creek Basin are below or within the limit permitted or allowed in sea food by WHO,EU/USEPA,  but if the activities of illegal bunkering and local refining are allowed to continue unabated for  years, it will pose a serious health risk to the inhabitants of Idema creek basin.


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