Impact of Waste Recycling On Environmental Quality and Revenue Generation: Case Study of University Of Lagos, Nigeria


Adaobi Okudo
Joseph A. Omojolaibi
Oladele Mubarak



Post-consumption environmental impact has become an important issue all over the world. Waste generation and disposal is a basic part of any developing or industrial nation. Waste volumes are predicted to continue rising unless action is taken in order to keep down the problem. This study investigates the impact of recycling on environmental quality and revenue generation in University of Lagos, Nigeria, using descriptive analysis and two linear regression models’ analyses. Questionnaires were distributed to staff, students and residents of the University, as well as, an interview conducted with a resource person from the recycling unit of the University. The duo analysis employed shows that recycling has a significant impact on revenue generation and environmental quality. Though, it discovers that level of sophistication of technology used has no impact on revenue generated; also, level of income of the people has no significant impact on environmental quality. In this light, the study recommends that the university management should increase its awareness of the importance of recycling and also provide more disposal bin spots on campus, so as to increase its revenue generation capacity. Furthermore, to spur economic growth while ensuring an excellent environmental quality, there is need for strong institutions to enact effective policy, rules and regulation that will support sustainable development. To this end, we also recommend that government and concerned authorities lend supportive hands to individuals and establishments interested in promoting the recycling process.


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