Superluminality and Finite Potential Light-Barrier Crossing


T. G.M. Gerlitz



Superluminal movements are subject of discussion since many decades. The present work investigates how an electrical charged real matter particle can traverse the energy barrier at the speed of light in vacuum. Here, parity reflexion takes place with respect to space, time, and mass. It is postulated this traversal can occur by a jump-over supported by electrical attraction between the subluminal particle and its virtual superluminal co-particle producing an electrical field opposite in sign. The jump over the light barrier implies a zero in time and here the particle becomes undetectable in position and mass. The result of the calculation shows two exclusive speeds where light-barrier crossing can occur from a sub- to a superluminal state or reverse. 

This leads to three different kinds of objects, where the first is denoted a subluminal mono-particle Bradyon, the second a superluminal mono-particle Tachyon, and the third a luminal twin  Luxon consisting of two parts absolutely complementary in their states alternating between the both speeds, those touch the light-barrier, and traveling with an average of light-speed. A relation between the distance of a subluminal particle to its superluminal co-particle and the wave-length of the system can be manifested. The constant in speed of light is discussed.  


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