SOME BASIC POSTULATES of Prince Prof. Momchil Dobrev – Halachev’s and Prof. MariolaGaribova-Dobreva’s “Theory of the Universe”, “Theory of Energy- Iinformation Genetics, Energy- Information medicine, - psychology”, based on which Prof. Momtchil Dobrev won


Prince Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev



  In this paper are described studies of the team of Prince Prof. Momchil Dobrev and Princess Prof. Mariola Garibova proving the truth about depression as a mental disorder based on THEORY OF THE UNIVERSUM developed by Prof. Mariola Gariova and Prof. Lord Momtchil Döbrev - Halachev in the Year 2005, Basics of the Cosmological Theory of Information and Vortex Field Theory developed by Lord Prof. Momtchil Döbrev - basic structure of the universe.

    2006 bothe Prince Lord Prof. Momtchil DObrev and Princes Lady Prof. Mariola Garibova-Dobreva developed Energy-information medicine ,, Energy-information genetics, Energy-information psychology


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