Women MSMEs towards Mataram City as a Service and Trade Center


I Made Suardana
I Made Suardana
Baiq Ertin Helmida
Indah Ariffianti
Baehaki Syakbani
Ida Bagus Eka Artika



This research is contributed to accelerate the realization of the vision and mission of Mataram City as a service and trade center, by finding the motivating factors of women in starting and managing business. These findings are expected to become the basis for the local government in formulating policies. This research used descriptive exploratory research. In the exploratory plan, 140 women MSMEs with various business fields were found. Women MSMEs in Mataram City are across ages and levels of education. They are still dominantly following the products of them, even though there has been the potential of creativity in producing products for 27.86% of respondents. They have emerged as the potential in accomplishing the vision and mission of Mataram City, because in general women have the awareness to improve the economy (P1), ability to produce products (P4), interest in business (P5), courage to take risks (P6), self-esteem (P7), self-motivation (P8), business skills (P12) and business suitability (P14). The family factor is needed in giving support for women's choices as the business actors, not as formal employees, especially for those who have higher education. In business management, there is pride and motivation in doing business as well as high effort in creating customers’ satisfaction. Mataram City government needs to make policy adjustments, where the concept of making policies is down to top. Product development policies through the findings of government agencies, training policies and other variations must be adapted to the internal conditions of women MSMEs. And making the acceleration of the formation of business actors and business development, especially women, included in every program and policy in all lines of the government of Mataram City.


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