Potention of Black Sea Cucumber Symbion Bacteria (Holothuria atra) as a Lactic Acid Source


Delianis Pringgenies
Ali Djunaedi
Adindalifa H. Lupita
Ervia Yudiati
Gunawan W. Santosa



Probiotic drinks are an example of many alternatives to maintain human health, especially the digestive system. Bacterial isolates from sea cucumber, especially in the intestinal organs, has been proven capable to fight the growth of pathogenic bacteria. The ability of these isolates has more benefits that are useful as an inoculum in probiotic drinks. The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial and enzymatic potential of 3 types of intestinal bacteria of black sea cucumber (Rothia sp., Listeria sp., and Micrococcus sp.). This research was conducted in January-March 2019 with a preliminary test method in the form of an antibacterial test then followed by an enzymatic test (amylolitic, proteolytic, and cellulolytic). Quality test of probiotic drinks was also carried out and compared with the SNI standard. The result showed that the bacterial isolates from Rothia sp., Listeria sp., and Micrococcus sp. has the ability to inhibit and fight diarrhea-causing bacteria (Bacillus cereus). These isolates also capable to degrade protein and amylum, therefore produced SNI-approved probiotic drinks’ quality. The average diameter of the inhibition zone in the preliminary tests was 19.15 mm, therefore classified as strong activity category. The results in the proteolytic test, showed the diameter of the inhibiton zone produced, ranged from 5,12 – 6,10 mm. Later on, the diameter of the inhibition zone on amylolitic test, ranged from 5,67 – 7,23 mm. Observation of the probiotic drinks’ qualities containing isolates of Micrococcus sp. showed to have a slight difference with other samples due to the liquid’s character is unhomogenous and tends to precipitate.


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