Managing organizational knowledge through the human capital: show casing the academic Library’s perspective.


Simmone Andrea La Rose



Whether, it be large or small organization knowledge need to be managed. This knowledge can be seen by many as being in different forms and or nature.

Organizations exist for various reasons, and one critical aspect of an organization is its people resource. Organizations may very well deal with data and information, but it is the people factor that is responsible for making the information worthwhile. This information becomes worthwhile when people put to work their stock of thoughts and ideas; which is commonly called human capital

This research discusses knowledge management (KM), and in particular the importance of the human capital element in managing knowledge in an organization.  There is then some opportunity to discuss the intellectual capital’s relationship, in order to have a clearer perspective of the operations, the Wiggs model of KM model is also highlighted to boost the discussion.

The research method of content analysis using relevant literature, from conference papers, published articles, and various research reports generated information for discussion. This was obtained from both the library focused and non-library related literature. Further the researcher livid experiences because of being situated in the library also accounted for some vital contributions.  All in all, showing how KM exists and is necessary in organizations and in particular how it exists in the library setting.


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