Empirical evaluation and effect of training & staff development on organization performance of Islamic financial institutions in Nigeria


Malik Shahzad Shabbir



The purpose of the study is to explore the effect of training and staff development on the financial and non financial performance of the two Islamic financial institutions in Nigeria. The study employs quantitative approach making use of questionnaire. However, descriptive statistics, correlation, regression and ANOVA were used to evaluate the perception of respondents. However, the presentation of the Islamic banks has been improved through training and staff development most especially on the key products of the organizations. The findings of this research work will help the management of the selected organizations to evaluate and determine the areas, where improvements through training can be done and planning for the development and implementation of effective training and staff development needs. It will lead to increase the performance of the organizations and also serve as a source of references for the future researchers and guide to the authorities in the banking industry. 


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