Oreizi Sadats of Yazd


Dr. Seyed Mohammad Bagher Kamaladdini







Oreizi Sadats are a group of Sadats who are said to be related to Ali Oreizi (Abol Hassan), one of Imam Jafar’s sons. Oreiz was a village near Medina. Ahmad Sharani  was Ali Oreizi’s son, whose son was Abdollah, or Obeidollah, and his son was Abu Jafar Ali (Naiin shrine), and his son was Abu Jafar Mohammad (Yazd Jafar shrine).

Similarly their generation continues this way: Seyed Roknedin shrine (next to Yazd central mosque), and Seyed Shams-e-din shrine (in Char Monar neighborhood of  Yazd).  Orezi’s delivered a lot of services for people of Yazd and the suburbs. Among them there has been scholars, writers, poets, and famous donors such as Seyed Rokn-e-Din and Seyed Shams-e-Din; even some of them were ministers and have had up to 300 pages of recorded donations.

Key words: Oreizi Sadat, Services, Alansab science, Yazd. 


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