Determination Loyalty Based on Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Trust at Pt. Bpr Bukit Tanjung Badung


I Made Ngurah Oka Mahardika
Dr. I Nengah Suardhika, SE., MM
Dr. I Nengah Landra, SE., MM



Every company must have a competitive advantage to win the market. Important factor to be considered by business actor is consumer satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction must be a guideline to guide the entire organization in order to be able to meet customer satisfaction in order to become a sustainable competitive advantage. Satisfied customers will be willing to recommend to others to take advantage of BPR facilities.
The purpose of this study is to test and confirm the relationship between service quality, satisfaction, trust and loyalty, in the financial services company PT. BPR Bukit Tanjung Badung. Respondents in this research are the condition of routine transactions at least 2 times and has a minimum balance of Rp.500.000,-. The number of respondents in this study determined 93 respondents by using sampling technique called proportional random sampling. This research uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with SMARTPLS 3 program.
The results of this study indicate that: 1) Service quality has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction, 2) Service quality has a positive and significant impact on customer confidence, 3) Service quality has positive but insignificant effect on customer loyalty, 4) satisfaction has positive and significant on customer loyalty, 5) satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on customer trust, 6) trust positively and significantly influence on customer loyalty.


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