Analysis of Learning Organization in Dealing a Change of Organizational Environment Based On the Theory of Changes


I Nengah Sudja
I Nengah Suardhika



Quickly change to claim every organization to quickly get and adapt with that change, and this change appearance opposed but exactly have to be managed. Ability of each organization in face of this change depends on creativity ability and innovate all organizational member. Creativity and innovate to represent the indicator of organization successfulness which emerge from continuous organization member as individual learn. This ability have to be trained with the process learn continual.

Start from phenomenon, embosoming organization in knowledge era and technological, becoming piquancy to be conducted by study at one particular place which it is true seldom be conducted by a study that is at SMK 4 Negara. SMK 4 Negara represent the governmental organization in the field of Education. In education organization, each educator claimed to be non-stop to learn by correspond to the science growth so that able to improve the competitor quality. This matter will be existed if there is willingness from organizational member to study.

This research is done at SMK 4 Negara. This Research included in the descriptive research type for the purpose of knowing single variable value. Population in research is all personal consisted of the headmaster, teacher and officer of SMK 4 Negara. The tool analysis in this research is Cross Tabulation. The tool used to show the relation of research attribute cross by calculating score as a whole and AHP for the rank of every variable.

Result of research indicate that the Learning Organization ( LO) have been executed at SMK 4 Negara based on  pursuant to theory in this research that is execute 6 element LO that is Vision and Mission, Decision Making, Organizational Cultural, Creativity and Innovate, Education And Training, and Motivation. Sixth of elements have been executed at SMK 4 Negara. Execution LO, representing a study process in order to reaching organization target which have been specified. Pursuant to this research result, teacher and administrative personnel assess that Headmaster have executed the Learning Organization with six element developed from theory Luthans. Result of research about opinion learn and administrative personnel to this development LO importance have also supported the execution LO. Teacher And officer have a notion that LO is vital importance applied in each organization specially in SMK 4 Negara


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