Sexual Dimorphism among the Kathmandu University Students Assessed by Anthropometric Studies


Shakya R
Bhattacharya SC
Shrestha R



Objectives: To observe the sexual dimorphism among the young adult age group ranging from 18-21 years, of Kathmandu University students by measuring craniofacial circumference and canthal distances.

Rationale of the study: These data could be useful for establishing the craniofacial standards and adds an implementation on plastic surgery, crime detection as well as in the industrial field.

Method: 300 clinically normal students of Kathmandu University aged between 18-21 years were examined for the study. Fronto-occipital circumference, outer and inner canthal distances were measured. All the parameters were compared between males and females.

Result: The cranial circumference as well as the inner and outer canthal distance in males was found to be significantly higher as compared to the females.

Conclusion: The results concluded that sexual dimorphism remarkably exists in young adults of Kathmandu University students.


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