The Development of Interactive Learning CD Based on Discovery Learning Science Subject on Animal and Plant Growth Materials Grade IV


Devi Novia
I Made Astra
Nurjannah .



This research aims at producing interactive learning CD which is used in Science subject on animal and plant growth material grade IV. The method of this research uses Research and Development. The research and development process is adapted from research and development model by the version of Borg & Gall. This interactive learning CD is tested to students of elementary school grade IV. The test has three steps; they are initial field test with 10 students as subject, primary field test with 10 students, and field implementation test with 50 students. The data are obtained through observation and direct surveillance at school. The data analysis uses descriptive quantitative analysis technique. The development result is in the form of the interactive CD which can be used as a media in Science learning grade IV of Elementary School. The result of the research shows that this learning CD after the materials expert testing, media expert testing, and design expert testing, the learning media produced in the final materials testing stage is categorized as decent, with the assessment average of  93,3. In the stage of final media expert and learning design expert, the learning CD is categorized as felicitous, with the assessment average of 92,6. Then the final result of field implementation is categorized as felicitous with the score of 90. Moreover, in the effectivity test also emerged that the use of learning CD impacts on student’s learning result.

It can be concluded that the interactive learning CD on animal and plant growth materials for Science subject grade IV of Elementary School is declared as feasible and can be used as one of the learning sources.


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