Analysis of Service Quality and Promotion on Decision and Satisfaction of Foreign Visitors on Pandawa Beach Ecotourism in Badung Regency


I Nyoman Gede Sudiarta
I Wayan sujana
Anik Yuesti



The development of various facilities and infrastructure as well as efforts to improve the quality of service on Pandawa Beach Ecotourismis always done to attract and give satisfaction to the visitors. This study aims to determine the effect of service quality and promotion on visitor decisions and visitor satisfaction as well as to determine the effect of visitor decisions on visitor satisfaction on Pandawa Beach Ecotourism Badung Regency, Bali Province. The variables in this study consistof two independent and two dependent variables. Independent variables in this study are service quality and promotion, while the dependent variables in this study are the visitor decision and visitor satisfaction. The population in this study is foreign tourists who visit the Pandawa Beach Ecotourism. In this research a non-probability sampling method is used, taking anaccidental sampling approach with asample number of 96 respondents. The type of data used is descriptive and quantitative data expressed in 5-Point Likert Scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Methods of data analysis in this study are through descriptive and inferential analysis. Inference analysis uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with SMARTPLS 3 program.The result of this study indicates that: 1) Quality of service has a positive and significant effect on the visitor decision with coefficient value of 0,528 and t-statistic value of 6,625.2) Promotion has a positive and significant effect on the visitor decision with coefficient value of 0,246and t-statistic value of 2,843. 3) Service quality has a positive effect on visitor satisfaction with coefficient value of 0,415 and t-statistic value of 4,007. 4) Promotion has no effect on visitor satisfaction with coefficient value of 0,069 and t-statistic value of 0,638 which t-statistic value is under critical value of 1,96. 5) Visitor decisions have a positive effect on visitor satisfaction with coefficient value of 0.389 and t-statistics of 4.422.


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