Positive Internet Literacy as a Media for Character Education


I Made Legawa
Yudistira Adnyana
Ni Putu Nita Anggraini
I Ketut Widnyana



The era of melinium is a global information transformation event that focuses on promoting online interaction. All the needs of our lives become facilitated and we feel spoiled because it is very fast to get information. A place that provides free internet and waifi services is very available. Communication vehicles such as Mobile (HP) are very easy and inexpensive to get by the public. The problem is, HP is not only used by adults but also school-age children. The internet provides a variety of positive and negative information. Whereas elementary school age children are not mature enough to make a selection of various information that has a negative impact.

Mahasaraswati University (Unmas) Denpasar Regional Partnership Program (PKW) team looked at this problem by providing assistance to provide positive internet literacy in the hope of guiding students to good behavior as a basis for character education. The problem formulated is whether positive internet literacy can be a vehicle for character education for elementary school age students? The method of mentoring in the form of counseling, and training to students in the Semeru cluster in Melaya village and the Tambora cluster in the village of Candikusuma in Melaya sub-district includes 15 elementary schools. Students in primary school age are individuals who are potential, talented, creative and willing to try something very high.

Through mentoring it can be seen that students are very enthusiastic, interested and able to learn and access positive information for development and support the learning process. Through positive internet literacy students can understand that the internet provides an opportunity to absorb a variety of positive information. This psychological atmosphere is a strong foundation for character building for elementary school students. The interesting thing is the support of schools, committees and supervisors by increasing internet interpretation, library application facilities and mentoring from educators and stakeholders.


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