Implementation Strategy of Labor and Prevention Planning Program in Tabanan District


Ni Putu Suriyati
I Ketut Widnyana
I Made Sukerta



The Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is an indicator of the success of development in the health sector, it is stated in the third goal which one of the indicators for the third goal is to reduce maternal mortality. Based on Indonesia's demographic health survey (IDHS, 2012), the maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is 359 per 100,000 live births (BPS, 2012). Thus the need for hard work to achieve the SDGs goal is 70 per 100,000 live births (Ministry of Health, 2015). Of the 9 Kabupatens / Cities in Bali Province, Tabanan has the highest maternal mortality rate from the other districts. This study aims to determine the implementation of P4K in Tabanan district, to find out what factors influence the implementation of P4K in Tabanan Regency and how the strategies in implementing P4K in Tabanan Regency. The research locations are Pusuan I Health Center, Pupuan II Health Center, Marga II Health Center and Tabanan III Health Center. Data collection techniques in this study were in-depth interviews, document studies, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Then the data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis, and SWOT analysis. According to the results obtained, the implementation of P4K in Tabanan district entered the sufficient category of 4 implementation variables according to George Edward III, communication variables and attitudinal and commitment variables of program implementers included in the category enough while the availability variables included in the good category, and bureaucratic structure variables entering into a very good category. The results of internal factor evaluation (IFE) and external factor evaluation (EFE) matrix analysis are in quadrant II which proves that an agency is strong but faces a big threat so that the ST strategy is suitable to be applied by using force to deal with threats.


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