Preservation Strategy of Village Tourism (Case Study in Penglipuran Village)


I Gede Daging
Ni Gst.Ag.Gde Eka Martiningsih
I Ketut Arnawa



This article aims to analyse the internal and external factors that may affect the conservation of karang sikut satak and formulate strategies of cultural tourism village preservation of karang sikut satak in the village of Penglipuran sub-district of Bangli Bangli Regency. The village Penglipuran is a conservation village in the preservation of Balinese culture, especially in an effort to preserve the culture, customs, spatial and environmental-friendly buildings as angkul – angkul, kitchen and bale saka six bamboo, lit. so it must be kept in order to remain a cultural heritage which is proud of the Balinese people. The approach used is descriptive qualitative research locus is with in the village of Penglipuran sub-district of Bangli Regency of Bangli.

Identification of environmental factors of the village Penglipuran is an analysis of the assessment of the condition of the internal environmental factors be strengths and weaknesses as well as the external environment factors in the form of opportunities and threats, based on assessment/perception of society who can give negative or positive influence towards the preservation of the village cultural tour of karang sikut satak in village Penglipuran.  Cultural preservation strategy formulation is formulating an alternative strategy that generated through SWOT analysis approach with interaction matrix IFAS-EFAS to acquire some alternatives to suit most cultural preservation in the tourist village Coral Penglipuran in the village of karang sikut satak it future.

The factors that can be identified in the internal environment of Penglipuran Village which are strengths are the Application of Ashta Bhumi on satak coral, the existence of community leaders who understand Astha Bhumi, the community's belief in the concept of Hulu-Teben, the philosophy of Kalapatra which is believed, villagers. While the weaknesses possessed are the quality and quantity of human resources, the development of modern lifestyles, the development of the layout of the residence on the following reefs is related to the increase in population. Whereas the external environment is an opportunity for Penglipuran Village, namely the existence of government policy on environmental protection and management, which is based on local wisdom. There is a policy of establishing Penglipuran Village as a tourism village. There is a cultural tourism development program, while the threat is in the form of private investment, effectiveness. spatial control policies, globalization and modernization, competencies between cultural tourism destinations.

Based on the weighting of the SWOT questionnaire, the alternative strategy formulation that can be recommended is the Strength Strategy - Opportunity (SO), which is a strategy that uses the power to take advantage of opportunities with alternative strategies, namely Strengthening the policy of Penglipuran Village as a tourism village, strengthening community trust in the concept Hulu-Teben, utilizing rapid technological advancements in supporting the preservation of Cultural Tourism Village and improving the management of subsidies for the preservation of sikut satak.


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