Impact of the Development of Industrial Bio Agricultural Model against the Additional Value of Farming on Dry Land in Tabanan Bali


I Gusti Lanang Patra Adwirawan
I Ketut Arnawa
Ni Gst. Agung Eka Martiningsih
I Gst. Ngr. Alit Wiswasta



The main objectives of this study are (1) to analyze the impact of the development of bioindustry farming models on value added farming on dry land in Tabanan Bali (2) to analyze what factors influence farming value added in the development model of bioindustry in dry land in Tabanan Bali and . The study was conducted in Antapan Village with a sample of 45 farmers, data collected by survey techniques using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, R / C, and multiple linear regression. The results of the study found that the impact of the development of bio industry farming models could provide added value for farming from processed products in the form of fruit-flavored vegetable juice; avocado, pineapple and srikaya and processed products of spinach chips with an average value of IDR. 9,302,500 / year. The factors that influence the added value of farming in the bio industry farming model in Antapan Village are, the number of seeds, the amount of use of organic fertilizer and the amount of labor use.


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