Factors of Affecting the Income of Farmers in the Village of Perean Tengah, Baturiti District, Tabanan Regency, Bali


Ni Luh Sintya Dewi
I Nyoman Widhya Astawa



Indonesia is an agricultural country which is famous for its abundant natural wealth. The agricultural sector plays an important role for some developing countries. This can be seen from the role of the agricultural sector in meeting food needs in the country, this agricultural sector can also provide employment opportunities for the population. To get maximum agricultural yield, this is influenced by factors of education level and age of farmers. The objectives of this study were 1) to determine the effect of education level and age to have a positive and significant partially significant effect on income of farmers, 2) to determine the effect of education level and age simultaneously on the income of farmers in Central Perean Village. The data analysis technique used in this study was multiple linear regression analysis techniques to determine the effect of education level and age on income. The research results from the tests that have been conducted show that education has a positive and significant effect on income, age has a negative and significant effect on income of farmers, and the level of education and age simultaneously affects the income of farmers. The level of education should be paid more attention, with the knowledge gained from education so that it can be applied in agriculture. Improve facilities to increase agricultural yield. For researchers who have the desire to examine the same variables, it is hoped that they can develop this research further and better by considering other variables that have not been tested in this study.



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