The Influence of Employee Leadership and Competency through Organizational Commitments on Employee Performance, Youth and Sport Education, Buleleng District


Gusti Putu Astrini
Nengah Landra
I Nengah Sudja



Every organization certainly expects success. To achieve this success, organizations need quality human resources. Important factors that need to be considered in improving employee performance are leadership . Apart from good leadership , there are other factors that must be considered by agencies, namely organizational commitment. Organizational commitment is very important because it has a close relationship with employee performance. Many factors support the achievement of high performance, including the level of employee competenceowned in an organization concerned. Organizations will be able to produce good performance if there is a custom where employees not only do their main tasks, but also want to do extra tasks such as willing to work together, please help, advise fellow employees, participate actively, provide extra services and are willing to use working time effectively and efficiently.

Respondents dal am this research is all employee PNS / ASN at the Department of Education Youth and Sports Buleleng number of respondents da lam this study determined 64 respondents using a sampling technique called stratifuard rondom sampling or serine g also called total each sampling. This study uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with the help of the SMARTPLS 3 program . 0

The results of this study show that: 1) Leadership positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, 2) Competence of employees affect positive and sig nifikan to k commitment of the organization , 3) Leadership positive and significant effect on employee performance , 4) Competence of employees positive and significant effect on employee performance, 5) organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance 

Keywords: Leadership,  Competency , organizational commitment and employee performance 


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